Students with private insurance coverage who want to submit an opt-out application must do so by loggin in and completing the opt-out application. Your application must meet the criteria below.
If you stay enrolled in both the DSU International Health Plan and your existing plan, you can combine coverage for maximum benefits. This is called Coordination of Benefits (COB). Benefits payable under this student plan will not exceed the combined total amount of eligible expenses incurred.
Policy document must state:
Your name
Policy number
Dates of coverage (must be valid for full duration of study/time in Canada)
Policy document in English must be provided
Health cards are not accepted.
The policy must provide and state the following:
Minimum of 2 million dollars in coverage in Canadian funds– please consider exchange rates
Coverage for doctor visits, inpatient and outpatient expenses, surgery, lab tests, diagnostic imaging (x-rays), repatriation and medical evacuation.
Your coverage cannot have the following exclusions:
Injury or death while under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants, or
Injury or death due to self-harm, or attempted self-inflicted injury, attempted suicide or suicide
You will need to complete the opt-out application and provide proof of coverage by the deadline.
Fall: August 4,2020 – September 18, 2020
Winter: December 10, 2020 – January 15, 2021
Spring: April 12, 2021 – May 21, 2021
Your opt-out application will be reviewed and if it does not satisfy the requirements above, you will be notified via email.