Exchange students who have private health insurance must opt-out like all other students.
Your existing coverage must include the following:
• 2 million dollars in coverage (CAD)
• Be active for the entire duration of your study period
• Include at minimum, coverage for hospitalization, outpatient care, surgery, lab tests, diagnostic tests, and repatriation
• Policy in English
• Your policy must not contain any exclusions for medical services including hospitalization relating to being under the influence (i.e. alcohol) or for self-harm, self-inflicted injury, attempted suicide or suicide whether sane or insane.
Exchange students who do not have private coverage, can opt-out and receive a refund for the months they are not on exchange at Dalhousie. You must email or visit the DSU Health Plan Office BEFORE the opt-out deadline to apply to opt-out for the applicable terms.
Please note, if you use the plan (make a claim) a refund will not be granted.
Fall: August 4,2020 – September 18, 2020
Winter: December 10, 2020 – January 15, 2021
Spring: April 12, 2021 - May 21, 2021
If you miss the opt-out deadline you will need to submit an appeal. For more information on appeals, please contact the DSU Health Plan Office directly.