Opting-Out of the Basic Health plan:
Only exchange (or visiting) students with private coverage from their home university are eligible to submit an opt-out application. For the opt-out to be approved, in addition to completing the opt-out form, you need to provide either:
1. A letter from your home university (in English), that includes the following information:
a. Student Name
b. Policy Number
c. Coverage Dates (must be valid for full duration of study/time in Canada)
d. Is valued at a minimum of $2 million dollars Canadian
e. Coverage for physician services, inpatient and outpatient expenses, surgery, lab tests, diagnostic imaging (x-rays), and repatriation (illness or death)
f. The policy cannot exclude coverage for:
i. Injury or death while under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants or death due to self-harm, or attempted self-inflicted injury, attempted suicide, or suicide.
2. Or The full policy (in English) from your home university
No Home University Coverage:
If an exchange student doesn’t have coverage from their home university, or cannot meet the above requirements for opting-out, then they can apply for a partial refund of the Basic Health plan for the Month(s) for which they will no longer be studying at SMU. However, this is only possible if they haven’t used the plan. Once a plan is used, no opt-out (or partial refunds) will be granted.
How does an exchange student apply for a partial refund?
They should complete and submit the “Opt-Out Exchange Student” form 3-4 weeks before the end of their term
They need to provide a plane ticket home as part of the application
If students plan to stay in Canada or travel before returning home, they would need to purchase additional coverage.
Opting-Out of the Extended Health & Dental plan:
If an exchange student has comparable alternative coverage they may apply to opt-out of the extended health and dental benefits. For Exchange students that hold private coverage, their home university policy must hold coverage for prescription drugs and accidental dental while abroad.
Exchange students will be asked to provide proof of this coverage when they submit their opt-out application which includes:
Name of the primary insured person
Name of the other insurer
Policy/Certificate number
Insured Person’s name and relationship to you
The student can attach the required document(s) to the electronic form before submitting or email the required document(s) directly to the Health Plan office before the opt-out period deadline (healthplan.smusa@smu.ca)
Please Note: For any students who do not have a Canadian address, you may choose to indicate the following (for the purpose of completing this form only): 923 Robie Street, Halifax NS, B3H 3C3
📢 Please ensure that your proof of coverage image file is in JPEG format. If your file is not in JPEG, kindly use a tool to convert it.